
Federal Public Defender
Western District of Arkansas
James B. Pierce, Federal Defender

The Federal Public Defender represents clients in the United States District Court for the Western District of Arkansas and the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. We are funded by the Criminal Justice Act and are dedicated to providing experienced legal representation to indigent persons accused of federal crimes.

Office Information

The main office for the Federal Public Defender for the Western District of Arkansas is in Fayetteville with a divisional office located in Fort Smith.

CJA Resources

The Federal Public Defenders office supports the Criminal Justice Act attorneys and serves as a resource for panel members in their representation of indigent clients.


These links to other Federal and public web sites are provided for your convenience.


Frequently asked questions about the Federal Public Defenders office and their duties.

Fayetteville Office
112 W. Center St.
Suite 300
Fayetteville, AR. 72701
p. 479-442-2306
toll free 1-844-576-4333
f. 479-443-1904
Fort Smith Office
30 S. 6th St.
Room 205
Fort Smith, AR. 72901
p. 479-782-1097
f. 479-782-0525
El Dorado Office
100 E. Peach St.
Suite 320
El Dorado, AR. 71730
p. 479-249-8648
f. 479-782-0525

Your Employee Rights and How to Report Wrongful Condut.